Your Requests This Week...

Listen to a WPAV Aircheck!

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Brian Thomas

6 AM to Noon Monday - Friday

Brian IS the "Morning Holler". Start your weekdays off with Music, Sports and WEather along with his zany cast of misfits. You never know who'll drop by! Bound to wake you up and put a smile on your face.

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Liz Reed

Noon to 6 PM Monday - Friday

Let Liz coax you through the day. Queen of the Prize Patrol, Wizard of Trivia and master of the Big Kazoo, she'll keep you humming all afternoon.

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Owen Cottrell

6 PM to Midnight Monday - Friday

Owen will whisper sweet noghtings to lul to to sleep every weeknight. Listen to the softer side of WPAV and reminisce with some oldies.

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Skyler Skeen

Midnght to 6 AM Monday - Friday

Calling all Night Owls! Skyler will have you questioning your sanity while laughing yourself silly. Sit back or call in - it's a wacky ride either way.

WPAV has an opening for an Intern! 20 Hours a week, paid. Contact station management.

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